Wellness Unlimited

About Me

I am a Licensed Acupuncure Physician, M.D. (M.A.), Bernard Jensen Certified Iridologist, Qigong practitioner and instructor. I also administer Acupupuncture Injection Therapy.  I have been practicing healing arts for more than 25 years and am well equiped to help many people struggling with many different issues. I love to talk about health, healing and wellness. If you like, call and set up an appointment to come in, sip some tea with me and talk in person right here in the heart of the South Florida Health and Wellness Community.


I have always been fascinated with this vast and miraculous universe so filled with beauty and awe. Much to the credit of one of my dear brothers Cliff, I am a long time, naturalist and a natural health practitioner at least since the 1980s but have researched and experimented in the field much longer than that. (One of the earliest experiences I remember is when I participated in a study with renowned psychologist and biofeedback expert Dr. Gould around 1977.)

Training and ability include but are not limited to: Acupuncture and herbal medicine, Medical Massage and Bodywork, Acupressure, Energy healing including Qigong and PEMF, NAT Frozen Shoulder Technique, Iridology, life coaching, Food Therapy, herbs/Moxibustion and spiritual counseling.

I have also worked extensively in the conventional healthcare arena as among other things, an administrator with a charitable health care provider back in the early nineties providing public health screening and education, DME and training in its safe and proper use.

I am Currently working with PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) in conjunction with UM and the Veteran’s Administration, et. al.

Wholistic healing centers where we offer Acupuncture, Massage and bodywork, Herbology, Aroma Therapy, Super Oxygenation Therapy, Chelation, IV nutritional therapies, injectable vitamins and Homeopathics, customized nutritional and exercise programs, energy medicine and lifestyle counseling. House calls also available.

My Ideal client is someone who is interested in their health physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and financially and is not afraid to be part of their own healing process. Someone who is concerned with the health and wellbeing of others and our planet. Someone who understands the power of thought and intention, word and deed and their creative power. Someone who knows they need to be the change they wish to see and is willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Someone who has a vision for their future and future generations to come. Someone who can commit and follow through.



Those who truly desire optimal health, full functionality and the strength, energy and inspiration to manifest their dreams and live a joyful, fulfilling life. Those who wish to help me and others achieve the same.